Starting as a community outreach program...Devine Minds was created to offer a range of artistic expression services for local and regional artist and companies, normally free of charge and funded by outside sourcesOur development has taken us on a path from simply producing for standard genres like hip-hop, r&b and jazz, to commercial jingle creation, short film scoring, and even recording.We stress the importance of connecting with "The People" ..... helping to grow and develope the charecter of ourselves through anyone in which we make contact.Musically, it does little justice to try an "categorize" our sound. We blend a mixture of driving hip-hop-latin-and carribean rythms with soulfull, sometimes eclectic and orchestral melodies.Many feel that essence of art itself is being washed away to commercial and capitalism. We at Devine Minds will not disagree with this stance, however, we do feel that art can be maintained in it's antiquity one individual at a time.We offer this space for musicians of all sorts to come, expand the Ear, gain motivation.Enjoy and inquire within......!I edited my profile at , check out these Myspace Layouts!