Member Since: 05/07/2006
Band Members: “Quo’rum Music Representation†...Our strength of the connection is as powerful as our strength of the music...
You can make the greatest music in the world, but unless YOU CAN GET IT HEARD, it doesn't matter."“Quo’rum Music†represents and develops emerging talent in all facets of the music industry in an attempt to have them be recognized by Major Labels and Distributors for the exploitation of their talents on a national and international platform. Artist ranging from singers to songwriters to rappers to producers, musicians, bands and even engineers.
Q’MusicReps fills the need of Major Labels who have downsized there A&R staff and limited the scope of their duties. Major Labels now heavily rely on production, management and even the artist themselves to be developed and polished artist before they will even consider putting an artist album out. Almost gone are the days of an undeveloped artist with a three song demo being signed to a Major recording contract, purely on raw talent. Record companies nowadays want Artist who are ready to go on tour, with a radio-ready single in hand, a marketing and promotion plan and in some cases a minimum core group of 50,000 to 100,000 fans to show they have a following and proven track record with the ability to sell.
Our goal is to supply artist with the guidance and product to be recognized by the public and the industry long before they have a national deal, building a following for the artist which will assist in the marketing and promotion of the artist needed to take them to the next level of the recording industry, not only to acquire the deal, but also star power.
“Quo’rum†uses the minimum amount of money to get the maximum amount of;
Visibility... {Show 'em what we have}
Popularity... {Make 'em want what we got}
Notoriety / recognition... {They just got to have what we got, they can't live without it}
Celebrity & fame... {Want to see us, know us & be associated with us;
proud to tell people they know us}
And the ultimate "Super Star Status"...
{everyone wants to be us, live like we live, do what we do, walk, talk and dress like us}
"The Greatest Fan, is the Fan that wants to be YOU!... C. Spirit Barlow circa2002"
The bottom line is... at some point you have to focus on the reality, the only reason anyone does business with you in the music industry, is if they feel they can make money with you. We are in no way minimizing our love of the art, it’s just having an understanding that they don’t call it Show Business for nothing.
As you know the record industry is not just record it, put it out and they will buy it. It is far from that simplistic view. After a record is complete it demands more work and planning then it does in most cases to make the record. We have to execute our marketing plan in order for our records to have a fighting chance and be recognized against all other product out there.
'Success in the Music Industry is created, it rarely just happens.'C.Spirit aka Kor aka DaBangaa, C.E.O. of "Quo'rum"
The Two Double-0 Eight
Influences: Tiffany Carr, CEO of ’Bella’s House of PR’Moosh Millionz, Given you Head Nod Music
Record Label: Quo'rum/ QMusic Reps