Lately it's mainly nursing...not all that interesting though. Sometimes a dream about what I'm studying. Dreams about bacterial infections and antibiotics are more boring than they sound. When I'm not studying I'm working sleeping or playing with friends. If I had more free time I'd download more music. I would spend more quality time with my ipod. I would take my dog on walks more frequently. I'd work out more. I'd make a film with Em. I would have art time. I would read some good books. I would text people back. I would.
New stuff, alternative mostly, local stuff, a little rap, punk, lounge...Hell, I'll make you a cd.
many...Lost in Translation, Speak, I am David, Little Miss Sunshine, Million Dollar Baby (can't watch the ending though), Boys Don't Cry (can't watch the ending though), Saved, Jesus Camp, Martian Child, Reign Over Me, .
in love with Ugly Betty, The Office, and Arrested Development, Dexter, 24 fan, Freaks and Geeks, CNN news on a loop, plus what lesbian is complete without the L word?
Emily Jack, Emily Jack, Emily Jack, Emily Jack, Emily Jack, Emily Jack, Emily Jack, Emily Jack, Emily Jack, Emily Jack, Emily Jack, Emily Jack, Emily Jack, Emily Jack, Emily Jack, Emily Jack, Emily Jack, Emily Jack, Emily Jack, Emily Jack, Emily Jack, Emily Jack, Emily Jack, Emily Jack, Emily Jack, Emily Jack, Emily Jack, Emily Jack, Emily Jack, Emily Jack,