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Wolkig mit Regenschauern!

About Me

Im Herzen des Königreiches Saspow entstand ein Lebensstil der in eine Band ausarten sollte. BrainPooR. Tiefgelaunte Gitarren schmettern knusprige Riffs durch einen Urwald von Membranen während ein Sturm von Schlägen auf Felle und Metalllegierungen niederknüppelt. Das ganze mit 500 Gramm deutschen Texten verquirlen, kurz aufkochen lassen und schon fängt die Party los. Selig sind die geistig Armen.In the heart of Kingdom Saspow a lifestyle which should degenerate to a band arised. BrainPooR. Deep-humored guitars dash crunchy riffs through a primeval forest of membranes while a storm of punches bludgeons down on furs and metal alloy. All that you have to whisk with 500 gram of german lyrics, let it boil up and yet begins the party to start. Blessed are the intellectual poor.
Our preview video of "An Fäden". Live in our practice room (including some mistakes):An Fäden

Add to My Profile | More VideosHere is a video of "König Narr", which we publish now. It's nearly one year old, but we hope you enjoy watching it:Here is a slideshow about performance at Gahlen Moscht Open Air:

My Interests


Member Since: 7/5/2006
Band Website:
Band Members: Baal (vocals) Der lange Glönn (guitar) Metalnasö (guitar)Daniel (bass)
Influences: | Darkest Hour | Children Of Bodom | Neaera | Cryptopsy | Arch Enemy | As Blood Runs Black |
Sounds Like: Wolkig mit Regenschauern (is coming soon)1. Styx 2. 3. Das verlorene Riff 4. An FädendiaMETrAL (2006) [sold out]1. All ihr da 2. Winterkind 3. König Narr 4. Welt-Kinder-Koks-Tag 5. Rette dich, mein Märchenland
Type of Label: None

My Blog

New bass player, new demo!

Yeah guys! We've got a new bass player: Daniel! He will learn our stuff in the next two weeks and then we will record our new demo!  
Posted by Brainpoor on Fri, 22 Jun 2007 04:23:00 PST