Hello! It's me, and if you don't know know me, I'm Joshi! I'm 17, I have my P's and I like lots and lots of apparently really bad music (I think it's 'da shit' but friendies all think it just is 'shit'...) Lol! It's punk/emo/screamo/heavy something or rather... see the music section as per below... Anyway, my life is centered on music, friends and family. Music is going to dominate at least the next five to ten years of my life. I play piano, screw around with other instruments and write a lot of music... But don't get too excited! It's mostly like film score and contemporary classical... Lol! Contrast much? Friendies are abso-fucken'-lutely AWESOME!!! Here are my main 'Homies': Kate, Louise, Dean, Rohan, Sheridan, Eleanor, Lauren, Rachael, Clare, Liam, Holly, Dafydd (if I've forgotten you, please be reminded that this has been written at 11:30 PM!!!). Family is awesome too! They are pretty cool, but you're here to find out about me not them... Lol! Well try to enjoy my space, but please feel free to send feedback to my fake email address which I never check...
Kate E Morgan
You are very cool. I think that you need to have more cheese for breakfast! But we can make that happen when we move out at the end of the year... I think you should become emo with me and Louise! But you don't have to because you are cool anyway.I'm doing my brain at the moment... Well anyway, I think you should become my GP one day 'cos then you can get me free drugs! YAY! I hope we are friends foreverer!!! You've shown me some of the best times that I could have hoped for, between those crazy-ass stories that you come up with out of nowhere to the just hanging around for me after school and being a complete goofball with me wherever we go! Here's to you, Kate! <{:-)>>>>> (It's a wizard...)
Louise E Miles
Snickers bars from my mouth, peanut mnm's and chewing gum from my mouth, chewed up raspberries from my mouth, tissues covered in my snot; these are just a few things that we share. I think you are a lejind! I can't wait to move out with you! I think you are quite cool (Lol!) and that we have to be friends for like ever! Well, as I am writing straight from the heart, 'Glump, glump, gloob, splat.' Joking! Louise is like one of the coolest peoples that you might ever have the privilege to meet (yes, the Louise are now a nation in their own right.). We've had so many good times together and I feel like I know you so damned well I think I might be able to hug you, if you'd let me once in a while... Much non-suss love! So much, that if I had a kabillion dollars, I would buy you a pony!!!
Well, this is going to be my attempt to beat Eleanor's life story length... NYOHA!!!
Well, as can be easily deduced, I was conceived roughly nine months before my birthdate, and then underwent a long and arduous nine months of tiresome gestation. Once the oven timer began to ring, I was torn from my mother's womb and thrown head first into the world that would one day evolve into the world we live in today. But of course, back then it wasn't all happy chappy, like now. There was the Gulf War, the dissolution of the USSR and grave tensions felt throughout both Africa and South America. Well anyway, this young boy, named before his birth as Joshua Nicholas, shared the same birthday as Albert Einstein, the Nobel Prize-winning Physicist who developed the Theory of Relativity. So, young Joshua was born in the Royal Bribane Women and Children's Hospital on the 14th of March. He lived in Ferny Grove for the first year of his life, slowly developing teeth and a hefty appetite. Soon Joshua's parents would decide to pack up and move interstate to the then fledgling city of Albury-Wodonga. Joshua lived with his mummy and daddy for another year in the city that was Albury-Wodonga, the conglomeration of two borders towns in the Upper Murray Region. Well, Francine and Paul, the mummy and daddy of Joshua would soon decide that they needed to work in different places for some reason that is as yet unclear to the author. Joshua's nanna, Celia, would then be summoned to look after Joshua for a short while. This short while, however, would eventually moph into a period resembling the better part of seven or eight months. It was during this time that Joshua developed his seemingly instinctive affection for his nanna. The period of time spent between Joshua and Nanna Celia would be the foundation of their close relationship for the rest of his life so far, and the basis for Nanna's ranking as Joshua's top ranking extended family relative. Well, eventually daddy came home come Albury-Wodonga, but then almost as quickly as he unpacked, he had to pack again, as mummy and daddy had decided to move again to the New South Wales capital of Farming machinery and goods derived from sheep. Another year was spent here. Joshua had, by now, become acquainted with the action that he would eventually carry the label 'walking'. Then, all of a sudden, as if with absolutely no precursor at all, except for perhaps an enormous bulge protruding from his mothers belly, Joshua gained his earliest ever memory that is still recallable, even today; his daddy walked in through the door with his little sister, Naomi.
Layout by CoolChaser Background from flickr user