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Anyone interesting!! If you have something to say...I am here to listen.By the way..................... I LOVE that geek in the pink!!!
Depends on my mood; Michael Buble and Norah Jones one day, and Jimmy Buffet and Gretchen Wilson the next. I am also in love with any kitchy musical theater stuff. I just can't help it.
Most recently I've stumbled across a couple of old friends here on MySpace with some GREAT songs. So go and check out MistaRuddy (In The Morning, featuring Natalie Hatcher) and Nancy Micciulla (Wildflowers). Just a gratuitous plug for two amazingly talented people.
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Jess's Amazing Mental Ability ...
You can cause any song stuck in your head to become stuck in the heads of everyone within 100 feet
(Remember ... with great power comes great responsibility!)
'What is your Amazing Mental Ability?' at
Favorite movie of all time; Amelie.
PS....You must go and see this movie....Another slice of disfunctional American life from the inimitable Christopher Guest and company. I love tham and so should you. Watch this trailer------
.. width="425" height="350" ....
I apparently don't get enough of police officers, because I constantly find myself flipping to one of the Law & Orders or something along those lines. I also love Monk and the new show, Psych.Workplace sexual harassment
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Carter, for finding the joy in the little things, and teaching me tolerance along the way. Janeen, for following through and finishing everything she starts...