Particle Physics, Chaos Theory, Authentic Mexican Cuisine, Cooking, Record Collecting/Trading, Traveling, Zines, Writing, Swimming (in dirty German ponds with old crust punks), Beaches, Touring, Smelling Bad, Body Hair, Superior Milkshakes, Playing Outside, Sweet Riffs, Public Nudity, Fantasy Football, Travis Bean Guitars, Bass Amps.
-People that want to buy me things.
-Smart people.
-People to watch football with and eat chicken wings.
-Someone that will give me an awesome job.
-Smart people to watch football with who will buy me chicken wings.
-Members for an awesome band that sounds like Melt Banana, Arab on Radar, Oxes, and Devo.
Arab on Radar, Oxes, Grand Ulena, Lightning Bolt, Hella, The Fucking Champs, Rye Coalition, Karp, Teengenerate, The Makers, The Rip-Offs, The Clash, Dead Kennedys, Black Flag, Minor Threat, Bad Brains, Subhumans, Ice Nine, Racebannon, Rapider Than Horsepower, Rep Seki, Panoply Academy, With Love, La Quiete, Raein, Shikari, Tyranny of Shaw, Enkephalin, Hewhocorrupts, The Fucking Champs, 90 Day Men, Coliseum, The Dream is Dead, Ruins
UHF, Planet of the Apes, Beneath the Planet of the Apes, Cabin Boy, Robocop, Robocop 2, Robocop 3.
The State, Twin Peaks
Complexity - Waldrop, The Elegant Universe - Brian Greene, Quantumelectrodynamics; The Pleasure of Finding Things Out - Richard Feynman, Zero: The Biography of a Dangerous Idea- Seife, Chaos- Gleick, Anything by Vonnegut or Kafka.