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I'm interested in finding a way to support my lifestyle that doesn't involve working and isn't illegal.
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interesting people that d o not bore me.
I like everything.I am really into the White Stripes at the moment. And when ever Grace is in the car it's always on "CRAZY TRAIN or TNT", the kid can't get enough of those songs.
The last movie that I saw was THE KINGDOM. It was good. I cried alot though.
Nip Tuck all the way and I also like Big Love. I can't wait until Nip Tuck starts again THIS MONTH!!!!!
Just read a book about the Texas 7 and another one on Debra LaFave(the teacher in Flordia that slept with her student.) They were both good books.
What's that? Just kidding. One day I want to be like my grandmother on my mom's side. She is a true inspiration.