movies cooking music sewing reading shopping traveling makeup photography candles and most of all Makenzy..she fascinates me! Never has a human being humbled me or taught me more than my 3 yr old lil gurl!
Im always up to meet new people who are looking for friendship! Anyone who has knowledge of Autism or who has a child with Autism. Anyone who will be a positive addition to my life! But please...if you have ANY ideas OTHER THAN friendship do NOT email me. I am very happy in my life and my relationship and I do not want nor need any kind of drama! Anyone who will accept me the way that I am, with all of my flaws, and still call me a friend!
I love slow jams! Im a total softy when it comes to music..dont really like all the heavy metal or rap shit. I listen to country on a rare ocassion when I need a good cry! I love the older stuff like Jodeci, Shai, BoyzIIMen, Timmy T. But I like Tyrese, Franky J, Usher, Ray J, Avant, Cassie,JoJo, Kelly Clarkson, Janet, Joe, Rhianna, and just recently TJ has got me hooked on Craig David! Theres so many more im sure but these are who im into right now!
Im a frickin movie fanatic...anyone who knows me can vouch for that one! I LOVE horror movies! Adam Sandler is my favorite for comedies! Alot of people probably think its boring but I could spend all weekend at home cuddled up watchin movies! Some of my favorites are The Goonies, Grease, all the Nightmare on Elm Streets, 50 first Dates, Titanic, Ice Age, Wicker Park, Without a Paddle, The RunDown, Old School...I could go on for days!
I am obsessed with all of the CSI shows. I love Dr. 90210, Extreme Makeover, and COPS. Criss Angel and Dogg the Bounty Hunter on Wednesday nights. And my all time favorite for a laugh any day is STUART on Madd TV.
I LOVE to read! Im really into the crime and murder novels right now. I like a good Nora Roberts love story or drama...but I have to be in the mood for it!
There is only one person who comes to mind..that is my angel...Makenzy Nevaeh Evans! She is 3 yrs old and has the most beautiful soul! She was diagnosed with mild/moderate Autism when she was 2 and everyday is a learning experience with her. For those who know nothing on Autistic children let me be the first to educate you...they are some of the MOST intelligent people alive. They have total control of their brain...they shut off certain parts that they dont want to deal with...most commonly being fear and pain..Makenzy decided to suddenly turn off her speech and just recently has started to use words again..YAY! If you have questions feel free to email me..I love teaching people the TRUTH about Autism!