Talking about not talking about politics, music, film, books that have words
all different kinds of people that absolutely hate our president, george w. bush. although i'm not a fan myself (politics are for fags!!), i love having a good, argumentative-based conversation that revolves around how 'good' of a political leader he has been for our country. if you ever want to make anyone mad, bring up the fact that this texas born hero is the greatest thing since sliced bread (and maybe jesus, although the jews hate both)
as retarded as this might sound, i like music that has personality and sounds that can change someone's feelings. emo is the lamest excuse for a 'type' of music because after all, good music should be emotional.
yes, i love them...
South Park and Conan O'Brien
Fear and Loathing, Bret Easton Ellis, Me Talk Pretty One Day, The Fuck Up, Invisible Monsters, Clockwork Orange
Schreiners Fine Sausages, Lyndsey, and 'Scrooge' Schiller