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Karla Michaela

If It Makes You Happy, It Can't Be that Bad.

About Me

KarLa...PaNgs...Ba...MoNay,Kars or KarLiTa, wHatEver you waNt...is soMethiNg tHat makEs heR uniQue. ShE's sEnsiTive buT sHe caN be stRonG. ShE has simpLe amBitiOns bUt gReat drEaMs. A crAzy peRson...A tRue LibRaN. ShE's exTra niCe to heR friEnds aNd go extRa miLe for tHem. No ciGar...no cofFeE. ShE's a fRuStratEd sinGeR. YeT sHe pLays tHe piaNo. ShE liKes tUrniNg thE voLumE up whEn sHe heaRs a sOng thAt shE likEs. ShE's foNd of bRinGing thinGs shE doN't usuaLLy neEd, eveRywHere sHe go. SHe loVes bluE but hEr cLosEt is haLf fuLL of piNk. ShE liKes to lauGh a Lot. ShE nOw lovEs the beAcH...oNe of the fEw who apPreciAtes suNset anD sunRise. DeFiniteLy not inTo spOrts coz sHe's a ceRtifiEd Lampa! =) ShE couLd eAt jusT anYthinG, anyWherE. ShE liKes sLeepiNg foR morE thAn 15 hours! MoSt of heR tiMe, shE's oN the pHonE...aLthouGh shE adMits, heR job maKeS her siCk... shE's still prOud of it, afTer reaLiziNg thaT iN feW miNuTes of coNverSatioN, she's abLe to heLp peOpLe. SoMe wouLd sAy she's a dAddy's girL. BuT shE's juSt pRoud of hiM. ShE beLieVes in sOuLmatEs, dEstiNy, kaRma aNd all the woRks, aNd thAt eveRythiNg hapPeNs for a rEasOn...but sHe is still awAre thaT not eveRythinG has a hapPy eNdinG. She is jUst coNfideNt that GOd has tHe bEst-laid plaNs for hEr. AnD that sHe contiNually mAkeS misTakEs in her Life. Yet sHe staYs simpLe aNd the sAmE as whAt she waS beFore. KarLa... nOt muCh of wHat yOu'vE expeCteD... but eNouGh to soMehOw leaVe heR with tHe haPpineSs sHe deSerVes.

My Interests

spending time with my close friends::drinking fruit shakes::kikay stuff::the net::concerts::shopping is good::on the phone for almost 11 hrs!::breath-taking views::cellphone addict...hehe...smiling::taking pictures::anything works...

I'd like to meet:

Someone who would definitely make me HAPPY... someone who thinks I am enough.*wink* ...not looking for a relationship in here, regular friends are good enough for me as well as old friends who are out of reach... ˜*~"Beautiful young people are accidents of nature, but beautiful old people are works of art..." ~*˜


My Bstfriend's Wedding,Romeo + Juliet,Ocean's Eleven, Serendipity,Sound of Music,The Notebook,Bruce Almighty!,Lilo and Stitch...lots more!


I prefer magazines but often read inspirational books. [Hope for the Flowers:Chicken Soup:Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus:I Kissed Dating Goodbye:The Little Prince]


ThE MaN who nEver LeTs me dOwN. ThE only MaN I kNow wHo is aLways theRe no mAtteR wHat...my dad.

My Blog

Beautiful Women

"Eventhough our lives are full of drama: we smile when we want to scream, we sing when we want to cry, we cry when we are happy and laugh when we are nervous. Women fight for what they believe in."
Posted by Karla Michaela on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Moving on But not Letting Go

I've had enough No, don't try to reason with me, this is too much I will try not to think of you when I wake up in the morning and ask myself if somehow you are also awake. I have my own life to...
Posted by Karla Michaela on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

God wont ask...

1. God won't ask what kind of car you drove, He'll ask how many people you drove who didn't have transportation. 2. God won't ask the square footage of your house, He'll ask how many people you we...
Posted by Karla Michaela on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST