people watching
David Cross and Mr. Show
Awkward Moments
Lonely highways
windmills (physical windmills, not people doing windmills at hardcore shows. Those are interesting too I suppose.)
fucked up movies
Sand under my feet
Beards and Mustaches
People that want to watch tv on DVDs with me.
People that want to go tubing down the sandy this summer.
Someone that wants to do a road trip somewhere in july. Mid july.
green milk from the planet orange, the end of the world, roxy music, om, raveonettes, miles davis, alela diane, beach house, neurosis, ratatat, neutral milk, ludacris, T.I., grandaddy, built to spill, blonde redhead, interpol, grails, starkweather, turbonegro
Me without You
Joe vs. the Volcano
Bottle Rocket
Eternal Sunshine
Battle Royal
I like to wait for TV shows to come out on box sets and not leave the couch for days while I watch them. No commercial style.
Box sets I couldn't live without:
Mr Show
My so Called Life
Grey's Anatomy
Currently: Beyond Good and Evil by Nietzsche. Translated by Walter Kaufmann
Vonnegut's Between time and timbuktu
, oh and a zine I got in NY called Heartcheck written by activist prisoners.
Daniel Quinn (Ishmael, story of B, my ishmael)
Charles Dickens (Great Expectations, tale of two cities)
fast food nation
Vonnegut (Slaugherhouse 5, god bless you mr rosewater, cats cradle, breakfast of champions)
poetry by C.K. Williams
Days of War Nights of Love by Crimethinc (Thanks Dustin!)
How I Became Stupid by Martin Page
*Anything by Vonnegut- He can do no wrong