Shagg Performance was formed in Mt Maunganui, New Zealand in May 2002.
The name solely originated from two members of our band dedicating a lot of their time to restoring and modifying old cars.Shagg Performance,is a 3 pce alternative rock band we consist of:Kane Tapper, age 31: Guitar/Vocals.
Andy Gibbons, age 30: Bass guitar.
Kc, age 26 : Drums/electronic stuff.Our overall aim as Shagg Performance is to inspire people to get motivated and to make the most out of what life dishes out to you, and focus on the positives in life instead of the negatives.
Our stage act is very important to us, we try to get attention from everyone in the crowd and to make sure everyone is having a good time.
Talking to the crowd is also important to us as it is a good way for people to get to know us for personality and music rather than just the music.
We find this task comes naturally as we have all known each other for a long time and being close friends we have all seen each other true colours and know each others limits which has made us stronger.In the years we have been together as a band we have recorded over 16 demo tracks and have played many gigs locally and out of town, and thrive on playing live.
In the past year we have worked very closely with Shane Davies at Soundtree Recording Studio, recording and working on our sound. We have taken away a lot of knowledge, inspiration and drive to become known in the music industry.Shagg Performance's future will involve a lot of traveling learning experiences and great times, we are now in the process of looking for a record company to record and promote our music.Kind Regards,
Shagg Performance.
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