Terik Casanovaâ„¢ (Producer/Songwriter) profile picture

Terik Casanovaâ„¢ (Producer/Songwriter)

About Me

Terik Casanova also known as TCASS is a man of many talents. The Jack of all trades, or the black Andy Warhol. He a 26 year old New Orleans native and have gain the respect by many of his associates and peers. His abilities includes Music production, Graphic Design, Fashion Design, Acting, Movie & Play writing. Terik Casanova's lives by his morals "Help to get Help" and always dream big. He is the owner of Evah Thiaf Fashion & Designs & Diamond Diva Clothing. Also, he has recently join a pop group by the name of POPular. Terik Casanova will be a household name real soon.

My Interests


Member Since: 04/07/2006

Record Label: Free Skool Academy
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

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