I'd like to meet:
...somebody SpeciaL...
..., should be whatever your heart feels like it should be... it should be freedom..! But i like my music fused and it should taste like "Bittersweet"...
the chainsaw massacre ( the original )...the virgin suicides...,velvet goldmine..,and the devils rejects!
.. well..., id like one in my bathroom..?!?
-..."the little prince"...- ( by some french dude, probably dead already! )
I used to look up to Kurt Cobain....,until he pulled the trigger to his head and made my life (and i bet you many, many more of others) a whole lot more confusing..But now i see my dad and after so long, i mean like REAL LONG, i realized no matter how above the lines of normality he had to be to produce Amazing end results.., he always did it with his sincere heart, and above all.., he "KePT iT rEAL"..!! need i say more of who the hero is...!?!