Comic books, SciFi books, Fantasy books, Role Playing games, Fresh water 'Amano' Aquarium set-ups
Real people... those who can share their thoughts and experiences freely - be it on work & play, learning & living. People with like interests.
Lite Rock, Lite Jazz
Lord of the Rings (all three), Star Wars, Stargate, Star Trek, Spider-man 1&2, X-men 1&2, Aliens, Alien vs. Predator, Predator, Raiders of the Lost Ark & Last Crusade, Godfather 1-3, Batman Begins, Superman 1, 2 and Returns
Stargate SG1 and Atlantis, Smallville, House, CSI Vegas & Miami, Simpsons
Lord of the Rings trilogy, Dune series, some Ludlum books, some Clancy books, George R.R. Martin's books, John Maxwell books
Comic books heroes: Avengers (specifically Cap), JLA (specifically Batman & Green Lantern - Hal Jordan)Real life: still searching...