Lupuz profile picture


Death knocked on my door today

About Me

We are two childhood friends from Sweden who started writing music together during our early teens. The music we create is often characterized by the dark, mysterious and melancholic things in life. I(Alexandra) write the lyrics and Christine compose the music. It is and has always been a well working symbiosis for both of us.
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A FEW WORDS ABOUT LUPUZ:"Lupuz, a talented duo from Sweden. And brave, too. An acoustic arrangement is revealing; you stand there naked with your melody and your voice, in stead of safely hidden behind effects and immense speakers. There's also something primal and final about this -the last honest song will probably be played by a campfire somewhere. To paraphrase the poet T.S. Eliot: the world doesn't end with a bang. But maybe not with a whimper either? At the end of the rainbow, there's a pot of gold. And in my opinion that's where Lupuz should be heading, if there's still some shred of justice in this giant shopping mall we call the world.The sorrow and the beauty are together as always, siamese twins. The tears they cry are tiny, tiny knives, sharp and deadly -like in the song by Lupuz appropriately called "Stab Me". It starts with the delicate sound of the guitar, but the precision and timing of the chords tells a different story: the fingers picking are strong and stubborn. Enter the clear voice of the singer: "If you disapprove of me, shoot me." Madly confident, sarcastic, careless or in the depths of despair? Maybe all of the above, maybe none of the above. In this complexity and many layers lays the mystery - and the appeal! - of Lupuz. For all of us are human beings, both infinite and mortal. But Lupuz is something more, too, beyond talented: authentic. These two artists are real people, not posers. Their emotions are deep and heart-felt. They have something to say - and the rest of us should listen. This weary old cynic was both impressed and moved!"

My Interests


Member Since: 7/4/2006
Band Members: Christine J-L (guitar and piano) and Alexandra M (vocals).
Type of Label: None