and then there was troubles... profile picture

and then there was troubles...

heeeey lil keeety don't eat them marbles!

About Me

By: Rachael + =
Basically this is about our friend tom who killed his cat by leaving marbles on the ground. Sammy the cat got a marble stuck in his asophagus and after weeks of being in the kitty hospital he passed away. Tom doesnt go a day without hearing shit from me and matt about him killing his cat. basically with this page we want to make tom feel as bad as possible. As for troubles, this is toms familys new cat. You wont understand this unless you actually go to toms house. This cat has greater powers than God and George Forman put together. Once we were practicing and we had to stop so it could go to the bathroom. bizarre? i think so. right now only the intro is up but soon the whole story will be up. spread the story of this cat to the world by sending this page to everyone you know. im out later suckas.
So the story begins. Lets travel back to Christmas time of December 2003. Sammy, a cat to some a noble son to others. Everyday this cat brought joy to whomever was in its prescence, Until one tragic day a mere marble knocked Sammy off his poor kitty paws. Now this was no accident. Sammys death had to of been planned. Was this all out of jealous? Did Thomas's parents really love this cat more than their own son. This could be. In fact Tom Bullen did in fact kill Sammy. In what he thought would be the end of his problems was just the beginning. Soon a cat more powerful than any other known to man would come in to take the spot of this family's 3rd child. Chaos, Fighting, Hatred, Glory. And then there was troubles.

My Interests


Member Since: 7/4/2006
Band Members: krizzy
Type of Label: None