FOR_LIFE - YOUR NEAR LIFE EXPERIENCE([email protected])FOR_LIFE was born in the spring of 2002 as an outlet for the multi-facetted musical influences of the three founding members. The following years saw the band touring and playing more than 250 live-shows, performing their highly energetic mixture of modern and progressive rock with electronic influences. As a result, FOR_LIFE received massive press-coverage (Metal Hammer, Rock Hard, Soundcheck, Musikermagazin, Walls of Fire etc.) and international (web)radio-airplay. So far, FOR_LIFE have recorded three ep..s, "Just Today"(2002), "Lust For Life" (2003) and "Still Life-Unplugged" (2005), the latter being the basis for the numerous unplugged-shows the band has played as a "counterpart" to their regular plugged performances, allowing the musicians to bring to life the unique character of their songs with an instrument set-up that has been "reduced to the max". At the moment, FOR_LIFE is recording their highly anticipated first full-length cd, "Near Life Experience", which is scheduled for summer 2008.