M profile picture


Always moving forward!

About Me

I am a loving, caring, motivating individual who enjoys life and everything it has to offer. Like most people, I am not perfect... I've been known to be selfish and giving at the same time. I am articulate but still learning the art of communication.I split FL 9 days after graduating college... Headed to NC so to be a whitewater rafting guide. Now I live in West-by God- Virginia; rafting and kayaking on some of the world's best white-water. You should come up here some day. Fayette County is home to the longest single-span arch bridge in the Western Hemisphere... It is located 876ft above the 2nd oldest river in the world- the New River.I love kayaking! This will be my first winter in West Virginia. I'm greatly looking forward to a season of fantastic white water kayaking. This will also be the first time since graduating college that I've spent an entire year in the same place. My house is sweet and my housemates all paddle. This is gonna be the best winter ever! Hope you all are doing what you love too. I know life doesn't get any better than this!!table, tr, td { background-color: transparent;

My Interests

whitewater kayaking, raft-guiding, snowboarding, biking, skiing, traveling, driving, working out. Pretty much I enjoy anything that keeps me on the move.


I'd like to meet:

I want to meet people who live their passions. Life is tough and can be very scary. We must rely on our friends and passions to get us through each day. Tell me what keeps you going. It is my belief that we are meant to meet certain people for certain reasons. We are here to learn from one another. What will you learn from me? I don't know yet, but I'm sure there is a reason we are meeting. If you figure it out, let me know. I'm looking forward to getting to know you! :)



Spud's kayaking video. Good stuff he posted on www.boatertalk.com.Enjoy, M I enjoy most light love stories, suspense movies, kayaking and snowboarding dvd's.


Actually, we only get one television channel at my house, not that I watch much tv anyway... Too busy. I do however enjoy watching a few shows on the internet...Desperate Housewives, Grey's Anatomy, Ugly Betty. Sometimes I watch Law & Order. Oh, and, I loved watching the West Wing. Too bad they cancelled that show. It was one of my faves!


I enjoy motivational books and sometimes the occasional trendy book...Below are a few of my faves.

Ayn Rand - Atlas Shrugged

Lucy Kellaway - Who Moved My Blackberry?

John C. Maxwell - Thinking for a Change: 11 Ways Highly Successful People App...

Jim Collins - Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap... and Othe...

Steve Martin - Shopgirl

Arthur Golden - Memoirs of a Geisha

Lynne Cox - Swimming to Antarctica

MySpace Book Lists at MySpace Toolbox !


My father.

My Blog

Winter Paddling

Jeez. I came home from work today just itching to go kayaking. I posted my desire to paddle on the mounatinbuzz forum and someone called me. I am meeting some folks tomorrow morning. We're gonna paddl...
Posted by M on Sat, 08 Mar 2008 08:37:00 PST

My great find.

Ha. I can remember my dad dragging me to yard sales at a very ealry age. I hated it.Now that I'm 27, poor and, kindof a gypsy, my outlook has definitely changed a bit. My personal belongings have dimi...
Posted by M on Sun, 02 Mar 2008 09:10:00 PST

What a week

Seriously. This has been one hell of a week. I work such long hours. I don't even have to work long hours. It just happens. Last night, I got home around 6 and started working again around 7. I worked...
Posted by M on Sat, 16 Feb 2008 04:36:00 PST


Holy cow. Thank God it's Friday. The real world is exhausting. I just got a new job. Seriously, I prolly put in atleast 10 hours a day. I hope it pays off.If you are reading this, have a website and w...
Posted by M on Sat, 09 Feb 2008 05:51:00 PST


I recently purchased a set of headphones for my office computer. Let me tell you... working to music is way better than not working to music. I got a ton of stuff accomplished and feel great. I even d...
Posted by M on Thu, 10 Jan 2008 04:34:00 PST

Don’t try this at home...

So funny. I tried to create a curry dish for dinner last night. It turned out okay. I had never made curry before and did not have a recipe. Hell, I wasn't even planning to cook last night. It just so...
Posted by M on Wed, 09 Jan 2008 02:06:00 PST


I just bought a ski pass to Breckenridge, Arapahoe Basin, and Keystone with my Christmas Bonus!!! Now I just need to get a snowboard!:)
Posted by M on Fri, 21 Dec 2007 03:50:00 PST

Road Trip Update

I arrived in Jackson Alabama late Wednesday night. Thursday I visited my grandmother and many other family members. I left Jackson Friday afternoon and drove to Pensacola Florida. I was there for less...
Posted by M on Mon, 29 Oct 2007 11:52:00 PST

Sweet home Alabama

Two days, 1,600 miles and many restroom stops... I finally made it to Alabama! Kansas was a long drive. Once I started looking for a hotel outside of Oaklahoma City, it took me 40 miles to find o...
Posted by M on Thu, 25 Oct 2007 08:14:00 PST

Super Commute art project

Hey folks. Have you heard of an project called the Super Commute? It's an art project my friend is doing right now. My friend, Sierra Brown , is commuting 8 different ways from the Los Angeles Port ar...
Posted by M on Thu, 18 Oct 2007 08:52:00 PST