Since 1998, EleMental Muzik has been creating some of the most original and unusual combinations of sounds ever heard on Earth. EleMental Muzik is extremely primative and futuristic, with a firm hold on the present state of Humankind. The recordings are first-take soundtracks from unrehearsed rituals aimed at raising the collective conscience of our species and overturning the current power-structures that have attempted to claim our souls. The muzik and the message are equally important. Listen with peripheral hearing.
EleMental Muzik is FREE. Download it. Enjoy it. Share it.
EleMental Muzik proves that energy is free throughout the Universe.
There is no fucking energy crisis. Just a bunch of tight ass suits wondering how they are going to continue ripping us off...
They are making record profits while we struggle.
They want you to go along, but they are WRONG! will be back online soon.
Check out our version of Alien Landscape over at the Helios Creed Tribute Project on MySpace.