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I'm 40+19 (age is an attitude and I've a young attitude) I'm Scottish now living in England, (married an Englishman last year) I have 2 daughters and 1 son and 4 grandchildren, my new husband has 2 sons and 5 grandchildren...so as you can imagine we are kept on our toes LOL. I'm a very down to earth person who is always optimistic and I like a laugh and a good blether....This is some of my painting I done a few years ago......some not copied very well....(before digital cameras LOL)
.. type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="http://hostdrjack.com/customcomments/samples/133a.swf"
height="272px" width="300px"
................................This is exactly like my cat TOPAZ now xxx And a different way of looking at the Proclaimers song 'I would walk 500 miles' .....................
Knackered - after walking the 500 miles and then 500 more................. ............................................................ ........Topaz Christmas 2005....aaaawwwww........................................... .....................Topaz Christmas 2006........................................................ ..........................................................