Forgotten Genre Productions is a Recording Studio and Production Company run by Anthony S Guyer and John Teeter,(better known as Jonny T) Anthony has spent years of his life on the road as a Front of House Engineer, Monitor Engineer, Road Manager, Guitar Tech and all around Service to the Stars.
Based out of Nashville, Anthony toured with bands such as Sixpence none the Richer.The Waiting, Smalltown Poets, Waterdeep, the Normals Big Tent Revival, and others that might taint your view in a negative light. Currently Anthony Lives with his unbelievably beautiful wife in Lancaster PA, the next Hotbed of Musical Creativity, where he is able to select Artists with similar vision who seek to create music that is timeless and honest, (without being overly impressed with there ability to do so.)Johnny T is a veteran of many Local bands and a budding engineer too. Johnny T has a unique knack for bringing song ideas together and adding that one melody or guitar part that puts the song over the edge. Rumour has it that he's the ninth Beatle. You of course would never hear that from him.If you are a musician in the South Central Pennsylvania area and you have a voice that is worth hearing, chances are you might hear from Forgotten Genre Productions. If you haven't heard from Forgotten Genre Productions and you feel you should have, Keep trying.
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