KAPOW!! profile picture


Lightning Bolt

About Me

HiLets all be hippies! http://www.hippy.com/index.phpwhere the hell has my about me gone? mostly i like cheese, wine, camden at xmas, blue bells and rain drops on roses and godddamit i'm not going to type this all again..all you really need to know is if you can make me laugh i'll be in the palm of your hand and your pawn for life...and so for now untill i can be arsed to write this a FOURTH time....in the words of Harold Melvin and the Blue Notes...If you dont know me by now.... ..

My Interests

Nutrition, Photography, Alternative Health Stuff, Arts, Food, Wine and Travel, Sleeping, Dancing, Singing

I'd like to meet:

Inspiring People....david bowie...dalai lama....mick jagger and keith richards (actually while i'm at it what i'd really like to do is travel back in time and meet them in the 70's when Keith was the hottest man alive to wield a guitar, make him my own and shag him into the back of beyond)....george harrison, he was pretty hot then too..hmmm....madonna...tina....prince charles maybe...


Jazz, Indie, Rock, Classical, Funk, Electro, Drum n Bass, Mowtown, Dance, Pop - you play it i'll love it and dance all night long to itMyspace Graphics
Myspace Layouts
Extended Network Banners


The classics Goonies, Big Trouble in Little China, The Princess Bride, Willow, original Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, all Indiana Jones and Bond films are a given...ANd i can't believ i left it out before TREMORS!...films that make me wish i'd worn a Tena Lady, giggle like a 5 year old and snort my wine like the fine upstanding citizen i am are Monty Python's Quest for the Holy Grail, The Life of Brian, Anchorman, Southpark the Movie, Team America and sneaking in there Happy Gilmore...films i just love are Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind, Amelie and Secretary and my guilty pleasures are Bridget Jones 1 & Mission Impossible 2


Anything that makes me laugh...and app from reading this back anything set in a hospital so.....Spaced, My Name is Earl, Green Wing, Boston Legal, Scrubs and have been quite addicted to Charmed and Greys Anatomy and my good god i love The Mighty Boosh...i also have a tv guitly pleasure which is a Days of Our Lives type soap called Fashion House


I'm a bit of a fantasy geek (no not that kind of fantasy) so my favourite authors are Tad Williams and Terry Pratchet i also have a soft spot for David and Leigh Eddings and Anne McCaffrey. I love Pride and Prejudice and also Jayne Eyre and i'm currently reading a book entitled "Who is the Buddha?"


Tina Turner - I love her voice, her personality, her strength, her determination, her spirituality, she's "Simply The Best" ha..ha...um...i'll go....

My Blog

ha ha

i am drunk
Posted by KAPOW!! on Mon, 11 Jun 2007 02:12:00 PST

old age vs drinking

..> ..> old age vs hangovers when your 17...18..19..maybe 20 if you're lucky hangovers are thing that older drunkards tell you as horror stories...hangovers?!  You've never had one and never w...
Posted by KAPOW!! on Wed, 25 Apr 2007 11:10:00 PST


yesterday i turned 29 i thought i'd been forgotton by a few of you over there in blighty....no text...no calls....but then i got on line today and there you all are wishing me birthday happiness - hoo...
Posted by KAPOW!! on Sat, 14 Apr 2007 12:56:00 PST

the dog ate it

the dog is a wippet, if i haven't mentioned hm yet his name is Amigo and he just chewed the shit out of my diary. charcoal grey and nearly a year old is Amigo.....he likes to chew paper and strew it ...
Posted by KAPOW!! on Thu, 05 Apr 2007 11:28:00 PST

Is myspace psychic?

So  er yeah,  is myspace psychic? you know when you log in and your page thingy comes up (using techincal terms here) does anyone ever bother to look at the adverts? cos the thing is..all mi...
Posted by KAPOW!! on Fri, 16 Mar 2007 10:09:00 PST


to working in a bar..i finished work over an hour ago...tis half 3 in the morn and i can't sleep...boo
Posted by KAPOW!! on Tue, 13 Mar 2007 09:39:00 PST

The Busty Barmaid Strikes Back!

And what would you like sir?  A pot? A pint? A schooner? Because i can pour any of them for you..layer a shot?  oh yes i can still do that too - hooray!  I've got a jooooob, i've got a ...
Posted by KAPOW!! on Tue, 13 Mar 2007 08:32:00 PST

i am freeeeeeee, freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

Well yesterday was a bit of a defining moment for me folks as per my wretched soul rantings, i lined up an interview with a big fat cat international bank.  I arranged to go today at 4pm (a...
Posted by KAPOW!! on Thu, 01 Mar 2007 09:01:00 PST

Guilt Neutralising for the Soul?

So....now i'm in Melbourne.  Sunshine coast was cool but i'm feeling the need for a city, good restuarants, good shops, good bars and some hot looking badboys ..so booked my ticket on Thursday an...
Posted by KAPOW!! on Mon, 19 Feb 2007 11:07:00 PST

Flabby Soul

So i was talking to Andy my friend Emma's brother-in-law and god knows how we got on the subject but basically he told me that apparently the tissue that makes up our intestines is the same as the stu...
Posted by KAPOW!! on Fri, 09 Feb 2007 07:04:00 PST