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Reeder's Digestive Biscuits

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Reeder's Digestive Biscuits
Ingredients for making ca. 200 - 250 Reeder's Digestive Biscuits:
10 -12 grammes of the finest dry "thingy" (It is VERY, VERY important that it's dry and very crumbly, as the oily stuff doesn't dissolve in the water!)*
400-600 grammes of whole-wheat flour (self raising flour is best)
200 - 250 grammes of white sugar
50 grammes of vanilla sugar (subject to availability)
150 - 200 grammes of butter
Vanilla essence (as much as you like)
Small pinch of salt
100ml boiling water
A large bowl to mix all the ingredients in
A wooden spoon
A small, heat-resistant bowl
An oven that can reach a minimum of 250C degrees
A metal tray in the oven, for the cookies
A rolling pin
A template/form, (shaper) to stamp out the cookies with
Stage 1: Preparation
Turn your oven on to ca. 250C to pre-heat.
GAS: 450F/260C or 8
ELECTRIC: 450/500F/260C or 8
Make a little "tray" from baking tin-foil and place the "thingy" on it.
Place this in an already pre-heated oven for around five minutes, or until and intensive "thingy" aroma reaches your nostrils - then it's then time to take it out of the oven before it burns!
Place the softened "thingy" into the small bowl and using a small teaspoon, crush, press and pulverise the "thingy" to a powder. Important! Make sure there are no big lumps or big bits!
Stage 2: The basic Reeder's Digestive Biscuit mixture:
Place the flour, all the sugar and pinch of salt into a large bowl and stir until all mixed together. Slice the butter into small cubed pieces and add to the mixture.
Using your forefingers and thumbs (of both hands), work the butter into the flour/sugar mixture. This method is similar to if you were making a money or "pay" sign with you fingers. This part takes roughly about five to ten minutes.
When you're finished, the mixture should resemble coarse sand.
Stage 3: Liquidation and Stage 4: Remix
These two stages require concentration and speed (and I don't mean the drug!).
Boil the water.
Place the pulverised thingy in a small heat resistant (eg, porcelain) bowl and add the boiling water to it.
IMMEDIATELY stir, making sure all the larger bits are crushed and liquidated, into what should resemble a kind of cloudy soup.
IMPORTANT! check again that there are no big bits!
Add and quickly, stir in the vanilla escence to this "thingy" soup-liquid and then add it all to the basic Reeder's Digestive biscuit mixture and stir unitl all the mixture becomes solid.
This method will ensure the "thingy" is distributed evenly throughout the entire mixture.
Remix (now be quick!): stir all this together - at this stage, but don't add any more water, otherwise your mixture could turn out too soggy.
If it is, you have already added too much water...tuff shit stupid!
You should've followed my directions.
if this happens, add a little more flour.
Stir the whole mixture vigorously until the mixture becomes a thick moist and doughy (but not soggy) blob of... dough. (If it's too soggy you'll find out soon enough, as it'll stick to your fingers and you'll end up with one big biscuit! To compensate, add more flour until the mixture becomes dry and manageable).
NOTE: If your mixture is too wet, you can also place it in the fridge for a few hours, as it is probably the melted butter which makes the mixture soggy (you can even leave it overnight)
Stage 5: Shaping
Spread a little flour on the working area (so that the biscuit pastry doesn't stick to the work surface).
Take out a lump about the size of your fist (NB: If you're a desperate Dan or Mike Tyson type, this is respective to the size of your hand).
Using the rolling pin, roll out the pastry so that it all ends up roughly about 6mm in thickness. (You won't do it all at once, not unless you have a huge work surface).
Using a round 3.5 cm form or shaped template, punch out the individual biscuits.
You should get around 200-250 biscuits - sometimes more - out of this ammount of biscuit mixture, if you use this rough size as a guide.
Stage 6: Baking
Place biscuits on a greaseproof paper-lined metal baking tray, with about 1 cm space between each biscuit (you should get about 30-40 on a normal sized oven tray).
Place the tray on the top middle shelf (closest to the top) of the oven for about 10-12 minutes (or until the biscuits start going light-golden brown).
Repeat this step until all the mixture is baked to perfection.
Once you've taken the biscuits out of the oven leave to cool, as they'll still be a little bit soft and if you try to eat them they'll burn your bloody mouth!
When cold, place the biscuits in an airtight biscuit tin and they'll last for ages - that is if you're not too greedy and don't eat them all!
Stage 7: Consumption
WARNING! Try only one biscuit first!
Remember, they will take about ca. 15-30 min before they start to work. once you have checked the "dosage", you'll see how many you can tolerate!
You will probably have to practice, to get the biscuits just right (to your own personal taste/dose).
Some people bake with ready to use biscuit making mixes, or even with electric appliances to make their biscuits, this is ok, but I prefer to be traditional and use this, my good old fashioned "Reeder's Digestive" way.
You will discover that this is a very economical, practical and much healthier way of conspumption and you get 100% from it, as oppose to only 7% when smoked (as you actually burn away 93%! and I am sure you will agree, that is such a sad waste of the main ingredient).
So, have fun baking and I wish you a
Giiiiete Reise!
This Original Reeder's Digestive Recipie version (c)1984 Mark Reeder
* of course, you can also use m.j (blend it first to a powder) and prepare it by heating it in melted butter and then cooling the butter, the day before - also remember, your metabolism needs much much longer to break down the butter once you have eaten it (and that can take up to 4 hours or more). so you have to be very patient and only eat one and then wait!

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