Color Guard! Yay! ( Go PC) Crochet. Mainly scarves and hats. I try to sell them, but lately, no dice. Books. School. Fashion. Purses. Shoes I can't buy. And a whole bunch of other stuff that I can't remember.
Someone fun, and nice, and who can put up with my moments of random stupidity.
I love Love songs! And i'll basically listen to anything except those stupid rappers my brother likes (but I don't know what they're names are)
Bridget Jones, A walk to Remember, Day after tomorrow, La femme Nikita (french version), Sixteen Candles, Weird Science, Fight Club, Two Towers, Star Wars, Grumpy(er) Old Men, Steel Magnolias, Pretty Woman, Erin BRokavich, Ocean's Eleven, Italian Job, Virgin Suicies, Tombstone, Piano, X-Men, THe Mummy, Spiderman, 40 Day and 40 Nights, Anna and the King, Hannibal, GI JAne, Kissing Jessica Stein, Bad boys (1&2), Far and away, LAst Samurai, Eurotrip, American PIe, Terminator 2, Down With Love, Nurse Betty, Harry Potter, etc.
I'll watch anything I find entertaining.
Anything by Jennifer Crusie ( "Crazy for you, ch. 14, has the best sex scene ever!), Tamora Pierce, Julie Kenner, Carla Cassidy. Mainly romance novels, actually. There's a stack of them in my closet at least three feet high. I didn't notice until I'd finished stacking them. I got kind of scared looking at them.--And I read fanfiction--some off of books, some off of shows I like. It depends what I'm in the mood for.
My mom. Cause she's just cool.