travel, sauna, facials, yoga, pilates, food, golf, skiing, sleeping in, staying up late online shopping, indulging in vices, POKER baby! in no particular order and combination.
Old friends and new aquaintences, scrappers, fighers, lovers, dreamers. The more divergently similar to me the better. Bring something to the table that is completely different but I can respect!
downtempo, eclectic, hip-hop, 80's, 90's, alternative, chill-out
Tim Burton, Wong Kar Kai...too many to think up t this moment
TIVO!!!!! cartoon network, discovery, history channel, NGC
I love to read... as it is not a physically strenuous activity. Nonfiction, specifically socio economic histories. Salt, Collapse, Guns Germs and Steel, Tipping Point, Blink, Survival of the Prettiest. I also LOVE John Irving, Murakami, philosophy, poems....I guess that covers it!
Anyone that survived being an underdog