perverted justice
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Add to My Profile | More VideosOur band started around 2005 with (zack) satan Walton(Guitar-Vox), Chris(beast) Blatt(2nd Guitar), and Spleen Walton(Drums),we didn't want a bass. We only had three songs America Burning, Beer, and Flight 180.We were doing good for a while untill satan and beast moved to Georgia and left Spleen by himself. After 6 months of waiting satan returns to Temecula and returns to the guitar. When satan came back we met a black punk named Jeremy aka Smith who we knew already was going to be in the band, so we talked to him and he said he would be in the band as the bass. Spleen already knew how to play the bass but Smith didn't, so spleen and smith switched, Spleen on bass and Smith on drums. Smith picked up on the drums very fast and trust us he is really good at drums, and we realized that we are getting better. We met this guy Evan Parks that was one of the chillest guys we ever met so we decided to make him singer. With beast still in Georgia, we had no idea when he was coming back, so we proceeded with the band. We practiced for a week all fucked up and we got three songs down America Burning, Beer, and Perverted Justice. After some people heard us play they wanted us to play a show, we weren't ready. We played our first show on Dec. 30th 2006 with bands such as Progeria, Unburied, and Armored Assassin. We sucked at that show, and we realized that Evan just wasn't cutting it on vocals so we decided to kick Evan out of the band. After Evan was kicked out we had no singer, so Spleen decided to he would give it a try, after he sang the band realized "This is what we need". So Spleen took it away on vocals, and we got two new songs(Seen Girl and Straight Edge) and played another show at Vail Lakes Feb. 2 2007 with Progeria Unburied, Rusty Riffles, and Tony Jaw. After about another month our old 2nd guitarist beast returns, and since he was an original member of the band we decided to put him on bass.Then after a long run satan decided to leave the band for grindcore leaving Spleen, beast, and Smith, with beast on guitar , and then satan came to play so we put satan on bass then satan left agin and then we had a good run then smith left the band. spleen is playing the drums now. so know where left with spleen and beast but after long time of apologies we welcome back smith we wanted smith back but we had to let smith go now we got satan on drums and now the newest member of the band ross as bass /the next door niehbor if there any show's you want us to play just hit us up.