~Amanda J♥~ profile picture

~Amanda J♥~

~ Some Women Aren't Meant to Be Tamed, Maybe They're Supposed To Run WILD Until They Find Someone Ju

About Me

~MY LOVES~I love my FAMILY, those that are related and those related by heart(you know who you are)~The ocean and someday soon you will find me there~My Pittsburgh Steelers~Being Irish~Meeting new people~Watching movies...old and new~Having car doors opened~Having a good time~Laughing~Long conversations~Elvis and My Sadie Dog(R.I.P. I'll Love You 4~Ever)~Singing in the car LOL~Trying to work things out with the friends you hold closest to your heart;)~BAM~Tattoos~Acting Wild n Crazy~Honesty...even if the truth hurts~Lillies, violets n frogs~
Myspace Contact Tables~MY DISLIKES~I hate being lied to~Being talked about, but the way I see it, you're life must be so boring that I'm all you have to talk about ... well I feel sorry for you~Being taken for a fool~Shady people~Sticky stuff~Phones dying in the middle of a conversation~Unanswered text messages~Rain on a good hair day~Losing everything I care about~My Mum being so far away~Missing my Grammy~Being bothered~Boredum~Being disappointed~; myspace layouts for Get this layout for your myspace page.

My Interests

Date of Birth:1-18-82.
Birthplace:Da Burgh.
Current Location:My house.
Eye Color:Brown-Eyed Girl.
Hair Color:Brunette.
Height:5'3 and a half.
Heritage:Irish 'Baby.
Tattoos:3 soon to be 5.
Band/Singer:Dave Matthews.
Song:Waaay too many.
Disney Movie:I love all of them.
TV show:Grey's Anatomy and nething with Bam.
Color:Have a couple.
Food:Anything with buff sauce.
Pizza topping:If I eat it usually sausge or shrooms.
Ice-Cream Flavor:Mint Chocolate Chip.
Drink (alcoholic):Corona, Miller Lite, Rum-n-Coke and the list goes on n on.
Soda:Anything Diet.
Clothing Brand:Anything from Pac-Sun.
Shoe Brand:DC's.
Season:Spring and Fall.
Month:January or July.
Holiday/Festival:St. Patty's Day ... of course!
Make-Up Item:Eyeliner.
Board game:Trivial Pursuit.
This or That
Sunny or rainy:Sunny.
Chocolate or vanilla:Depends.
Fruit or veggie:Both.
Night or day:All day and All night.
Sour or sweet:Both.
Love or money:Love for family, Money for me.
Phone or in person:Depends.
Looks or personality:Personality.
Coffee or tea:Coffee in the mornin and Iced-T for lunch.
Hot or cold:Both.
Goal for this year:Save money.
Most missed memory:My Grammy.
Best physical feature:My smile.
First thought waking up:R u serious ? ... 5 more minutes.
Hypothetical personality disorder:Too naive.
Preferred type of plastic surgery:Lipo.
Sesame street alter ego:Oscar.
Fairytale alter ego:Not sure.
Most stupid remark:WAAAY TOOO MANY.
Worst crime:Hurting my friends.
Greatest ambition:To have enough money to be comfortable.
Greatest fear:Clowns,Drowning...
Darkest secret:I can't tell you ...lol.
Favorite subject:Art and science.
Strangest received gift:Frog statue.
Worst habit:Biting my nails, not seeing people for who they REALLY are.
Do You:
Smoke:Like a chimney.
Drink:Like a fish.
Curse:Like a sailor.
Shower daily:Sometimes twice daily.
Like thunderstorms:They are awesome.
Dance in the rain:A couple times.
Sing:In the car and at work with Tiff ... lol
Play an instrument:Used to.
Get along with your parents:Yep.
Wish on stars:When I see falling ones.
Believe in fate:For the most part, but I also believe in Newton ... for EVERY action there's an equal and opposite reaction aka Things happen for a reason.
Believe in love at first sight:Kinda, but they could be the best looking person outside and be the ugliest person inside.
Can You:
Drive:Like a Nascar Driver.
Sew:If I have to.
Cook:It's one of my many talents.
Speak another language:French, ya but not the kind you learn in skool ... lol
Sing:No but I do it anyway.
Touch your nose with your tongue:No, but my brother can.
Curl your tongue:Yeah n and turn it side-ways both ways.
Have You Ever:
Been Drunk:Uh, that's a stupid ? td
Been Stoned/High:A long, long time ago.
Eaten Sushi:Yea, not a big fan.
Been in Love:If what I've been thru you call love then I don't wannna see what hate looks like.
Skipped school:Back in the day.
Made prank calls:^
Sent someone a love letter:Can't say that I have.
Stolen something:When I was little.
Cried yourself to sleep:Sometimes.
Other Questions:
What annoys you most in a person?:Fakeness.
Are you right or left handed?: Righty.
What is your bedtime?: Ain't goin' down till the sun comes up.
Name three things you can't live without:My friends which include my family, Smokes and my cell.
What is the color of your room?:White and Peach ... it's hideous.
Do you have any siblings?:Yes 2 real brothers and a few extended family members.
Do you have any pets?:Yes, My Sadie Dog and My fish Elvis.
Would you kill someone you hate for a million dollars?: If I wouldn't get caught ... probably.
What is you middle name?: Jo.
What are you nicknames?: Duh, Cork, Corkle, Sweet Pea, Sunshine, Jo-skee.
Are you for or against gay marriage?:Every one has a right to be happy.

Do you have a crush on anyone?:Yeah, Bam.
Are you afraid of the dark?:Sometimes.
How do you want to die?: Happy.
What is the largest amount of popsicles that you have eaten on one day?: Can't say that I've counted Ima have to get back to ya on that.
Would you take a bullet for the people you love?: ABSOFREAKINLUTELY!!!
What is the last law you’ve broken?:I dunno.
In a Member of the Opposite Sex:
Hair color:Usually Dark.
Eye color:^
Height: Taller than me.
Weight:Don't really matter.
Physical feature:Smile and eyes.
Biggest turn-off: Fake people.
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I'd like to meet:

~Someone who is COMPLETELY HONEST~


~Country music is my fav, but I will listen to pretty much anything depending on what mood I'm in~


Finding Nemo~Dirty Dancing~Forest Gump~The Gridiron Gang~Tommy Boy~We Are Marshall~What's Eating Gilbert Grape~Wedding Crashers~Troy~The Lion King~Snoopy Movies~Aladdin~Over the Hedge~Open Season~Natural Born Killers~Kill Bill I&II~Pulp Fiction~Jackass 2~Ferris Buellers Day Off~Happy Feet~Wizard of Oz~Little Rascals~4 Brothers~Grease~A Walk to Remember~The Notebook~Walk the Line~Boondock Saints~Fast and Furious~Mean Girls~Happy Gilmore~Billy Madison~Big Daddy~50 First Dates~Goonies~Any Given Sunday~Saw I-III and soooooo many more!!!


Grey's Anatomy ... of course~Trick My Truck~Miami Ink~Law & Order~Family Guy~The Simpsons~That 70's Show~Viva La Bam~The Carlos Mencia Show and pretty much anything on CMT, TLC and of course Aminal Planet~


Who Moved My Cheese?


My Mom and Dad, A few close friends ... you know who you are.