I am ambidextrous.
I like to make people laugh.
I eat candies in the following order (reverse favorite):
It's pedestrian, though I wouldn't walk across the street for an orange candy.
At least yellow candies have a star with its own brand name (and band name): LemonHeads. I mostly only ever ate them when there wasn't other candy around.
Black is licorice/anise flavored. Spicy and bold, it has more character than MOST of the citrus flavors.
GREENLime is tart and racy and a bit uncontrolled for my tastes by itself. Yet, add sugar and it becomes the ultimate second-in-command.
REDWhen younger, my brother who was a year older got everything blue and all my stuff was red; sort of by default. I was adventuresome but not necessarily passionate enough to have red be my favorite color. It was and is, though. Red (usually cherry) candy makes up for the fact that the choice wasn't all mine.
I'd like to help if I can.
I'd like mine with cheese.