F THIS S, freedom kicks s profile picture

F THIS S, freedom kicks s

America, the afraid to challenge the tax authority

About Me

Myspace Editor
Pimp MySpace
I'm an easy going, non-agro egalitarian- who wants life to be fun and fair. I believe in honesty and trust, and I have a diverse core group of friends that know we can depend on eachother for good times- as well as support during rough times. I don't have to worry about my friends scanning my friends (and their friends and so on) websites for juicy bits of gossip, to get problems started. Although, some people who were new friends tried to start that- and they can only blame themselves for getting left out. I will not live that way, I will not tolerate it. It will only break my trust for that person. I'm not taking sides, that's the way I like things- and I wish the best for any one I've known whether things worked out or not. It could be a friend that I lost contact with or an ex-girlfriend (who may or may not still spy on me), but I am not hoping for any one's down fall. Rather, the opposite- if you've met me there's a chance you have learned something, and vice versa. That's how somethings work out. My friends that I've had for a long time certainly have a great understanding of where things are- and we don't mess with that. I just want this to be fun and fair- to myself and all of my friends:)

My Interests

Karaoke, looking at art, drawing and painting...

I'd like to meet:

Other people who are not ultra religious, walmart shopping, pop culture junkies, and in general Bush New World Order supporting- and people who don't try to start shit with my friends. I'd rather meet people who think with their own brain.


I can't think of all the music I like, at this moment- so let's start with process of elimination. Obviously I'm not into new twangy Country or hardcore Gangsta Rap. The other day some song wretchedly got stuck in my head. And, I got to thinking- there could be a girl who loved the song, but if walked up and started singing "...'cause your- a- red- neck- woman..." I'd probably get slapped. There's a lot of similar instances for both of those genres, where they get a little over the top. Plus, they talk a lot about their faith (which, I'm not saying that's a good or bad thing), but then they start singing about killing Arabs or someone on the street that looked at you the wrong way. Although, every once in a while a good song happens to come out of those styles. I still like things to be fun. It's kind of like seasoning- you wouldn't want a whole plate of salt with a dash of fries. Not really into the Death Metal either- like I said, I'm an easy going person. That being said, I'm pretty open to all other types of music and like hearing new stuff. If you broke it down by bands performances that I've seen in concert, it's got to be up around a hundred or more. I like most any rock 'n' roll: alternative, classic rock, late sixties to the present. Also, Blues would be a the the top of the list. Among my favorite singers and bands would be: Van Morrison, Counting Crows, Jethro Tull, Weezer, The Black Keys, Pearl Jam, Primus, Beck, Sarah McLachlan, B.B King, Tori Amos, The Stones, Beastie Boys, Bob Dylan, and I know I've left many out. They write good songs and music. Also, I must admit, listening to Kid Rock is kind of like a guilty pleasure. And last but not least- the more I hear about Kanye West, the more I think that guy is awesome. He fearlessly puts out a voice for controvercial views that still reflects on an educated understanding of right from wrong. This came from out of nowhere, from a genre that could be summed up as the musical equivelent of a hate crime. And it gave me some hope that, one day, people will choose knowledge over ignorance- and humanity over hostility.


Rough Draft: THE SHIZ-D’Qui and his dawg Tito are pot-smoking buddies who think they “keep it real.” One day, T brings over a bag of laced weed. T can’t keep up with DQ. T takes one bong rip too many and finds himself in another world. In “Never-ever-land,” DQ and T first start out in the land of Lil’ homies. They ask how to get back to the real world. One of the Lil’s suggests that they go see The Shiz, because he “keeps it the realest.” When they ask how to get there, they are told: “Just follow the street with the most BLING!”Just then- screeching to a stop was a minivan with a jacked-up grilled woman and her cracked-out quintuplets. She jumps out of the car with her big ol’ booty flashing “West-Side.” “Oh snap!” says one of the Lil’s, “it’s the Crazy B.” “She thinks any G over 15 years old is her babies’ daddy.” She accuses DQ and demands that he go to a talk show for a DNA test. CB says “I’ll get you… and all of your child support!”All of the sudden, another lady pulls up and T gets dreamy-eyed- but she’s checking out DQ. “You are one fine azz b.” says DQ, “where are u from?” FAB says, ”I’m from the other side of town, but you don’t want to get that CB started. Do you need a ride?” T says “we’re going to see The Shiz.” FAB says” Unfortunately I can’t go that far, there’s something I have to do, but I can drop you off at the beginning of the street.”They notice a liquor store is just about to close so they stop by to pick up a couple of 40s. The man behind the counter is wearing overalls and a straw-hat- talking about if he only was a pimp, he could leave this dead end job. They say “you ain’t gonna’ be no pimp with those threads. You gotta get your shine on.” They mention that The Shiz might be able to help and he gives them the 40s on the house and says “Man, forget this job!”After a few blocks they see a guy who watching his reflection in a window, while he’s doing the robot dance. They ask him why and he says that he’s tired of getting dissed by the ladies at the club. They tell him that those moves aren’t going to get him any- The Shiz sounds like someone who might be able to help him. They ask him to come along- he agrees, and then breaks into an idiotic song and dance about what a player he’s going to be.A little further along the way: Someone behind them shouts “give me all of your jewelry or you’re going to pay the price.” The way he talks is so white that nobody flinches. DQ says “You can’t hustle nobody with a voice like that. Didn’t yo parents teach you no soul?” He’s asks if they they’ll teach him to be a real hustler. They let him know that only The Shiz has a chance of helping him. He replies, “I’ll do anything I have to.”All of the sudden this guy appears and asks him to do a paternity test for CB’s kids. He tells J he has nothing to worry about if they aren’t his. He tells the audience that this is CB’s 49th time on the show, but when DQ gets on the stage- they boo him anyways. And then… “in the case of CB’s children, you are NOT the father.” DQ’s dancing and yelling “That’s right CB…” She run’s (cameras following) to the back room crying “Why me?” …They finally spot a record studio with the sign “SHIZPRODIZNUCTIONS” and say this must be the place. The receptionist turns out to be FAB and she lets them through to see The Shiz. They explain their troubles and he hooks them up with a fly wardrobe, a dance choreographer, and an Isaac Hayes record. But when it comes to DQ and T- The Shiz is stumped at what to do. He says that they should go to his boss’s office, because “back in the day, he taught me every thing I know about keeping it real.” They are stunned that The Shiz isn’t his own man, but they still need to find a way back to reality.His boss looks like a crusty old banker. He explains how this whole Gangsta game started out as a prank during his frat years at Yale, but turned out to be something exponentially profitable. “It was the funniest thing that we convinced them to call each other the N-word- just knowing the history behind that word” he chuckled “my buddies all get a kick out of that one.” “You guys think it’s fun playing with the characters in video games- my friends have their own rappers, and were always putting them up against each other- there is an endless supply of lunatics trying to get into this fantasy world.”It must have been a sobering moment because all of the sudden T wakes up to DQ shaking him. “Wake up man, yo, you totally passed out.” T explains his dream and says, “ I told you this was some good shiz!


When someone finally convinces the American public that: a)This two party system is only in place as a scam to help the over-priveledged few who make pollicies that only support their own agenda, not to make life better for the American public. b) We are letting ourselves be dumbed-down with such devices such as- fast food, religious TV networks, advertising, etc. I almost forgot hardcore gangsta rap, new ultra-redneck country twang, stupid teen boybands... It can't be healthy for a society, I don't understand how it could be so popular to have a criminal or regresive (backwards) mentality, or maybe it's cool to be someone's puppet. c) It's time to stop the hate and ignorance, but that also means "not condoning the things that promote those basic building blocks of fascism (note: if you don't fully understand what that word means, you can thank our education system for not telling you what the dictatorship doesn't want you to know. d) A very open information society (especially when it comes to politics and education)would be better. Don't worry, most of the things we consider a big deal today would be considered alot more trivial when you compare it to all of the other stupid things the other people have done. Of course if you lie to 300 million people and cook the books on important documents, so that you and your cronies can war-profiteer and endorse the death and torture of hundreds of thousands of inocents in our name, while thousands of our own also die for false reasons- that would be more than a big deal. e) Wal-mart will destroy the earning power of the average American worker, and thus the famillies' structures and values. f) We can't continue to let these things go on. ...when that happens, that person would be a hero.