Ever have one of those days! smackdown!
The Man of my dreams!:-)
I Love Music,Music,Music... ***KLOV Radio station played in the entire USA*** "The way you look tonight" was our song... KLBX smooth R&B is my favorite. Country Music
Every Elvis movie made! Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, Legally Blonde "Valley of the Dolls" "Into the wild" great message for us all in this one. Life is only worth living if it's shared with someone.
I love to dance the Waltz,The Tenessee two step, fox trot and the Salsa...Big Brother 9 Dancing with the stars! and of course, I love LUCY...oh yeah, and the Soprano's...Hey Tony how u doin?***Joel Osteen - Sunday morning Preacher from Houston Texas.
The Holy Bible * Proverbs and Psalms are very encouraging * "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten son. For whosoever believeth in him shall not perish but have everlasting life"... John 3:16**** *** I enjoy Christian author Dee Henderson I am reading a series of her work... and it's a great escape! And who knows I might even learn something... "Who moved my cheese" are you a Hym or a Haw?
Jesus Christ:-) He died for me, I will live for him! My Dad :o) 1939-1999 "Best man in the World" My Hero would be someone who stands up for what they believe in and not fall for everything. There aren't too many people left that do this. Thank you to our SOLDIERS...you are all so brave! Someone who thinks of others before themselves.Prayer request for a few soldiers that I know.. James,Lee and Jacob God Bless YOU american soldiers who are really on the front line...