happiness is a warm gun... profile picture

happiness is a warm gun...

Whether she be priest or police, the first one on the scene is a thief

About Me

je crois que je vais y revenir plus tard, pas assez de temps pour completement m afficher lol, je le ferai en temps voulu !!

My Interests


I'd like to meet:

who i'd like to meet ? without a doubt i ll say kanye west, he s got style, attitude, flegm. i saw him here in paris on scene, i really appreciated it,he is so dandish ! i won't say something like he is my role model or else, but i like the way he talks, his music and the way that he often takes action in order to defend what he thinks is right. i think i also should add people like erycka badu, or 2pac in order to ask him why on earth he wasted the life of a skillfull singer he was granted with, by going on the gangsta road. PUT YOUR I'D LIKE TO MEET SECTION HERE! Changes may take up to 2 mins to show on your profileView All Friends | View Blog | Add Comment


hip-hop, soul, hip-hop/soul, jazz, funk, disco, house. i listen to almost every kind of music. rock !!mais bon vous inquietez pas ici aussi je vais pas tarder a blinder cette partie !


seven samurai, she hate me, ghost dog, inside man, sixteen block. hum in fact all the spike lee joints !


desperate housewives, battlestar galactica, the 4400, Lost, Prison Break, Smallville.daybreak. Afro samuraiHEROES !!!!!


the da vinci code, hyperion myth l'éloge des femmes mûres hagakure l art de la guerre etc etc


ça depend de beaucoup de choses, hum "Silard" ? "Riddick" Chow yun-fat ou plutot je dois dire l inspecteur "Tequila" ? ma mere ? moi :)

My Blog

first message, first impression

i don't know really much about how to make a blog and how to keep it interesting how things like that, this blog s gonna be a kind of windows showing wot is in my mind (lol be sure that it s not somet...
Posted by happiness is a warm gun... on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST