The Wandering Adept profile picture

The Wandering Adept

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

*Bows gracefully* I humbly make your acquaintance to all of you. We live in a time where so much of the nuance of life and this world is overlooked. You have to look behind the curtain, between the lines, and at the context and driving idea to truly understand. Some who glimpse such things go mad; others become sages or even gods. Oh my how presumptuous of me. Let me introduce myself a little before we go further. I have to admit I am a huge geek and identify with the "gothic" culture. I hate labels because I am who I am and that is a complex enigma of contradictions and ideas. I am a dreamer. But I enjoy anything I get to use my mind and imagination for so I am a huge roleplaying game fan. Anything from Gurps to Vampire to D&D and that ilk, like I said I'm a geek. I also love SCA style events and love the victorian and rennisance era. I also enjoy going to clubs with people every now and again (Hive, Shadowplay, ect). I love the outdoors and camping and traveling. I also find it important for a person to take time to be alone and look inside oneself. If one never takes the time to know oneself then how can you ever be true to yourself?
I have a natural affinity for old world spirituality as I like to call it. It's best described as a collection of beliefs (or knowledge) and disciplines that evolved along with and, I believe, were present when cognitive thought arose. I believe in a universal energy that connects all things and that we are from this energy and return to it. I also believe that these beliefs and knowledge was around before language began and that language, in this sense, has become a cage which we have tried to trap the universe in. Religions are a corruption of spirituality. They have self imposed false laws and rules. Laws that serve only a few and not the majority. I say such ugly clothes of a bigoted age should be cast off like the old rags they are. Laws and rules are only needed by those who can not regulate themselves and who do not take the time to know themselves and see themselves in others. When you know yourself and you can see that what you do to another you do to yourself, I should say self regulation would be natural. I will leave you with this, "reality" as most of you know it is only the surface of very deep water, all you need to do to see more of it is have the will, the belief, and to take a deep breath because it's a long way down.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Anyone with an open mind in or around Portland Oregon. If you identify with being a "geek" or "goth", or better yet a "geeky, gothic" girl, then I want to talk to you because we will probably get along.

My Blog

Shapes In The Mist

 My path has become shaded in mist and things are unclear. Perhaps they were never clear to begin with and it was wishful thinking in an outdated, older view of the world. The problem with me is that ...
Posted by on Sun, 11 Oct 2009 12:16:00 GMT

Planning For The Long Game

  I don't know how to start this except by saying that I have had great ideas in my life and I have never followed through on ANY of them. I feel locked in this life I have created and while certain a...
Posted by on Tue, 22 Sep 2009 22:01:00 GMT


It's about damn time I added a playlist. Of course it's just the basics right now but more will come soon...damn there is a lot more to add.
Posted by on Wed, 09 Sep 2009 01:36:00 GMT


 Many of you who know me know I am always seeking new understanding with spirituality. Spirituality to me has always been personal and about understanding that you know with your entire being. It enco...
Posted by on Tue, 19 May 2009 08:41:00 GMT

Pandemic Flu Drugs- WARNING!!!!

Morning everyone. I honestly do not know if all of this information is correct and some of it will sound crazy conspiracy type shit so I'll seperate the known good info from the possible hot air. Ever...
Posted by on Thu, 30 Apr 2009 02:24:00 GMT

Huge Win For Medical Cannabis

Fantastic win yesterday for states rights and medical cannabis! The Obama administration on Friday said that the DEA will no longer be allowed to raid medical cannabis clinics in states that have medi...
Posted by on Sat, 28 Feb 2009 01:37:00 GMT


People...disappoint. I don't feel so bad for myself but I know Kat is really depressed about it. It sucks, I really liked them too...but I always had a nagging at the back of my head because the words...
Posted by on Tue, 24 Feb 2009 06:10:00 GMT


 I feel I may have been slightly hasty with my deletions and with whom I kept. Most the people that I deleted I did so for no other reason then because we don't talk anymore or didn't talk to in ...
Posted by on Tue, 21 Oct 2008 17:59:00 GMT

Back To Me

Well I'm getting back to my good old self. I have a date set for my first tattoo and I got my ears done with a 2 gauge stud this weekend beginning the stretching. Next I will get my lebret back and th...
Posted by on Tue, 25 Sep 2007 18:42:00 GMT

World Of Warcraft part 2

So for those of you who play I have a character on the horde side on the dragonblight server. I have a Tauren Shaman named Flluffy and an Undead Mage named Aox. Both of them are level 19 currently. So...
Posted by on Tue, 11 Sep 2007 18:42:00 GMT