Singing,My first love, if I ever lost my voice I would not know what to do. Pop, lock and break dancing, Teaching my brand new Hip Hop class In Appleton. during the summer I join dance competitions for solo breaking and popping, and I have also been part of choreograph dance groups, that have been: Platinum Status, and Highly Restricted, done a few shows but nothin real big, mostly just group battles for prizes and cash at club Park Central in Appleton, WI, I also put together some choreography for UW oshkosh, lol and the only reason we recieved 2nd place is because they found out me and my other friend didnt even go to that school, we were supposed to be disqualified but instead they just did not alow us to take 1st...oh well it was really fun anyways lol. My family owns land on lake emma near Rhinelander and I love going up there to camp, Wakeboard, canoe, and pick on my little cousins, I Also luv my vid games and to get S faced once in a while with fun friends.
What Makes You Sexy?
by eva71
Sexy Body Part Is Your Knees
Special Talents Are Everything (Multi-talented)
Quiz created with MemeGen !
A straight up producer to help me get on the way to my singing career, but living in Wisconsin is a dead end for that career, I'm deffinetly motivated enough but I just dont have the time or funds to chase that dream
I love hip hop, R&B, pop, rock and new age, right now my current favorite band is hoobastank.
Hellz yeah "night at the roxburry" dont care how old it is now. "War of the Worlds" fo sho "You got served" crappy acting sweet ass moves Last but not least "Princess Bride" OH and yeah "Superman Returns" Is a huge Dissapointment it sucked, and i love superman.
1.Smallville is the shiznit 2.Charmed(my ex got me into it about 2 years ago.) 3.X Play with Adam sessler and morgan webb(Adam is a little slow though) 4.Family Guy & Aqua teen Hunger Force. this is not the order of my favorites though.
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Superman Who else
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