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About Me

Born and raised in Edison, NJ. When I was 26 I moved to Florida. I lived in Florida for 12 years where I met my now husband Alan. We moved back to NJ for a year and decided to buy a house in Delaware 2 years ago. My husband is my best friend, we laugh often and I feel loved. Life is good! About our business...WWW.CELLTECHSOLUTIONS.NET, ...(AUTOMOTIVE HANDS FREE CELLULAR PHONE KITS)...GET a "SYSTEM 8" handsfree car kit and you won't get a fine for holding your cell phone as the law states! With a one time professional installation including a mic mounted by your visor or above head console, a speaker or integration with your stereo speakers, charges the cell phone while in the cradle, provides external antenna, and the cradle can be changed out in 2 seconds by you if you get a different cell phone. Bluetooth systems also available. this travel layout at HOT :: MyHotComments ..

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