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About Me

Helen is 5'8" in the morningShe can say the alphabet backwardsShe likes music and if pressed to list favourites would mention David Bowie, Neil Young, That Petrol Emotion, American Analog Set, Gram Parsons, Amazing Pilots and Emmylou Harris. You'd be lucky if she stopped thereShe is 32 Years old and starting to feel itShe has been known to take a drink but has never been much of a one for drugs, preferring the natural giddying effects of badness. Mushrooms are not drugs though are they?She is long-sighted in one eye and short-sighted in the otherShe loves order and cleanliness even though her bedroom is in permanent chaosShe has slightly deformed toesIf she could have one wish shed ask to be able to singHer ideal way to listen to music is walking outdoors or with a bottle of bleach in her hands. It has never occurred to her (until now) to try combining these activitiesShe is a dab hand at tiling bathrooms but cannot reverse parkShe has green eyesShe has a seemingly incessant supply of boring indie facts. To these she has recently added a wealth of Berlin stories. She is still rubbish at pub quizzzzzesShe is not a well rounded person

My Blog

A Berlin Sunday

Four weeks tomorrow since we arrived in Berlin and today felt like the first proper Sunday. Not because of any great hangover from a crazy Saturday night, there hasn't been one of those yet. I've been...
Posted by on Sun, 04 Mar 2007 09:38:00 GMT


finally finally time to breathe... it's been such a busy week, feels like we've been here for a month cause we've been trying to fit so much in each day. i'm in our local cafe which has wireless and w...
Posted by on Sat, 10 Feb 2007 03:59:00 GMT

A man about the house

Today the 'Man About The House' sorted out the broadband. When i left for work he was scratchin his head, ignoring the instructions, dealing with the flashing buttons and unravelling the 8 plugs in th...
Posted by on Tue, 20 Jun 2006 14:50:00 GMT