I am a married man in my mid-40's who has done a lot and seen a lot and writes fiction that will shock the hell out of most people. If you like reading wild fiction that will make the hair jump out of your head and run for cover then check out my stuff.
I call what I write Urban Pulp/Noir/Horror. Actually, what it is, is Shock fiction.
If what I write does not shock you then you've been jolted too much and sorry dude, but you're dead!
Good news: In January 2007 Stone Garden.net Publishing has accepted the first three novels in the John Dark series. Blood And Rain is coming out in January, 2008.
Blood For The Masses is coming out in June 2008.
Blood On Ce11u1oid is coming out in December 2008.
May God help us all.
My Interests
I'd like to meet:
Readers, Writers, Agents, Publishers, and generally people who are interested in fiction on the wild side.