I come from a fairly large family... I have four brothers and two younger sisters. I grew up in upstate NY...I am currently in a loving very long term relationship with a wonderful man named Matt. He completes me and makes me giggle. :)
On Saturday night April 2, 2005.......The love of my life Matt got down on one knee, held out a beautiful diamond ring and asked me to marry him... I said yes...... :D
On Saturday afternoon April 28th, 2007... The love of my life, Matt and I exchanged vows and rings and now we are married...
Please stop asking me why I am Evil.... All you need to know is that I earned the nickname in college and I probably don't know you well enough to tell you the story behind it....***I am a moderator on TKOP .... ***
What Is Your Battle Cry?
Z ang! Who is that, striding over the desert! It is Evil_KATil, hands clutching a vorpal blade! She howls homicidally:
"For the love of carnage and discord, I hereby snap and go berzerk!!"
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