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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

...i'm a metalhead from frankfurt germany...
...and currently you can watch me with friends and my beloved wife as walk-on in the new tankard video ...
...or my first walk-on in a tankard video ... also together with friends and my wife :)
....and if you ask what pollux means...
here some hints:
The Gemini Twins Dilemma
When most people think of twins, they think of likeness, sameness and sharing. The word itself connotates images of similarities between siblings. Yet, for the Twins of Gemini, this symbolic representation of the sign, is in fact anything but cooperation. There is much mythology surrounding the Gemini Twins of Castor and Pollux. What emerges is the dichotomy between the mortal twin Castor and the immortal twin Pollux. Since Gemini is the sign of lower mind, almost always in mental conflict, we often attribute its observable mental inconsistencies to the mutability of the sign and its duality, as symbolized by the twins. Yet, if we study Gemini a little closer, we begin to see a much deeper-rooted conflict in the sign. Most thoughts and actions in life, are not isolated, but instead, exist within a larger context. In fact, thought itself is usually contained within the larger context of attitudes. Thus, how an individual thinks in any given situation is the result of the attitudes they bring to it. When we think of differences in attitudes, we often try to put opposing values on the same level, - perhaps because this makes comparison easy or more understandable. But, what if opposing attitudes or values are not on the same level? What if the attitudes of the mortal twin Castor are on a different level than the immortal attitudes of Pollux? In this very same way, the conflicts of Gemini become a mental struggle between the mortal values of life, and the immortal values of something higher,- perhaps even an afterlife,- or lifetimes of reincarnation. Yet if this exists, it is only half of Gemini that ascribes to it, for the mortal twin cannot understand anything other than the mortal planes of existence. As a result, Gemini constantly experiences this conflict between mortality and immortality, and thus develops extremely different attitudes in almost every area of existence. The immortal twin is very concerned about trying not to create bad karma, because it conceives of a multi-life journey of the soul as its existence. Yet, the mortal twin has no such conscience, and as a result, disagrees with any deprivation of pleasure, or fear of consequence that it can avoid. Thus, in Gemini, we see a battle between morals and immorality, between the tangible now and the need to earn soul creditentials. In the end, the immortal twin must win, because it sees the larger whole. Yet, the struggle is an intense one, often lasting many years and putting the Gemini individual into many polarized situations, where they are forced to take one side, then another as each twin battles for supremacy over the other. This is why Gemini’s are so controversial. They are trying to understand life, and their place in it from two distinctly different vantage points. Each issue and each problem to be solved goes through this mortal-immortal scrutiny, until the Gemini mind decides if the issue is ultimately of mortal or immortal value. What seems to be important is not necessarily the problem of the moment, but rather this dualistic scrutinizing on different levels, that eventually gives the Gemini mind, its uncanny ability to think.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

stephen hawkins or metallica or ...

My Blog

Tankard - Stay Thirsty

Posted by on Sun, 07 Dec 2008 23:51:00 GMT

Tanz in den Mai und hier der Plan....morgen abend findet in Frankfurt Oberrad in einer kleinen Vereinskneipe am Scheerwald eine "Tanz in den Mai" Party statt. Da das ganz in der nähe ist habe ich den Plan gefas...
Posted by on Tue, 29 Apr 2008 08:55:00 GMT

gallows in Frankfurt Main

death penalaty is still in the law of hessen (federal-stateof germany). and now there are gallows in Frankfurt Main.... how this? to hang criminals again since decades....?no, it's an installation fro...
Posted by on Wed, 27 Feb 2008 11:19:00 GMT


new month, new project. my car didn't pass the technical check. so i was forced to do something. after consulting a good friend of mine, we decidet that we can do it. last weekend we did the check wic...
Posted by on Wed, 08 Nov 2006 01:58:00 GMT

...and it glows

... now I'm back from 2 weeks holiday. My destination was Abu Dhabi in the United Emirate Emirates, the land where also small is big. Travelling by car through the land and find many construction area...
Posted by on Sun, 08 Oct 2006 23:28:00 GMT


okay, I have to admit that I still not understand the system "mySpace". I get friend requests from strange bands, from people I don't know. But I think some day it will make a big flash in my brain an...
Posted by on Fri, 22 Sep 2006 06:02:00 GMT

Summer Breeze

I think it's time again to write some news...last weekend (Wednesday to Sunday) I was at the Summer Breeze Festival ( ). A Heavy Metal festival in the south of Germany. It ...
Posted by on Thu, 24 Aug 2006 01:22:00 GMT

nearly weekend

okay, i'm looking forward for tonight.... with a few friens an appointment for sauna. after this we go out for a drink (or two). last weekend i were on a nice farewellparty for a friend. he is leaving...
Posted by on Fri, 04 Aug 2006 03:55:00 GMT


Yesterday I did it.... I got as birthday present from my girlfriend a voucher for a new piercing.. and yesterday was the day :)After loosing my last piercing nearly a year ago (my body means to outgro...
Posted by on Wed, 26 Jul 2006 00:22:00 GMT

I'm still not melted

...but It's pretty close. I like the summer, but at the moment it's bloody hot... if there were only an air-contitioner at work. My fan is the device wich is realy hard working, but it's not enough......
Posted by on Tue, 25 Jul 2006 05:09:00 GMT