I live to express my often misunderstood outlook of existence thru my lyrics,music and art.I constantly test the bounds of reality to question life and to realign and focus my perception of the world I struggle to understand.In the end, we are what we are, a vessel to reach a higher level of consciousness.I love to meet new people as long as they have an open mind and they can think for themselves, If you want to get to know me, all you have to do is be honest,sincere and understanding.I love to make people laugh and I'm attracted to artistic women who are intelligent and free~spirited.If your a real person of substance and a true friend then I would give my life up for you(that's the way I am!).I love my family and my true friends.I despise authority and persons of low character!(give someone power over another and you'll see their true character unveiled).I am not perfect and I don't expect you to be, I'm here to find new friends and to have some fun...so don't waste my time with"thanx for the add" and bullshit like that, be original!I'm spontaneous and often unpredictable so put away your overinflated expectations of me...I am,therefore I exist.