Whoever crosses my path
Whatever, but if you ever suggest anything from the boy band craze that plagued the world I will probably pee on your shoes
My top movies in no particular order: Shawshank Redemption, Snatch, The Rock, LOTR Trilogy, Star Wars IV,V,VI; 12 Monkeys, Lock Stock & Two Smoking Barrels, and plenty of others that I dont feel like typing in at the moment
At the moment I dont have one... But I know enough to know that I hate AFN programming. Anyone who has had to watch it for any extended period of time understands. I despise "reality" TV. Only really care about watching sports if the Bears are playing. Discovery channel has alot of good stuff. Japanese programming can be pretty entertaining
Angels & Demons is the winner only because it is the only book to fully grasp my attention long enough to for me to sit down and read the whole thing in one sitting.
I dont know I always used to like the Ninja Turtles, oh and Thundercats.
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