Welcome to the myspace of Luke & Harry's Tropical Hour on You could say this myspace is the hub of all activity on the show. But its not so I won't. But it is important, as you can now leave us Voice Comments, so you can express yourself via your mouth instead of your finger tips. So use it. Just click the 'Record By Phone' button, its free. So don't worry about that.
Yes the radio show. Its a 'comedy' show, with music obviously, we play everything from Indie to Grime. So bands can get intouch if you want some air-play. The show airs live at, every other Saturday night, and thats 8-9pm. And the day after the show airs you will be able to get the podcast free, from And the email, if you don't want to message, comment or voice comment us, email us at our address [email protected]
Get The Podcast of the last show NOW
just go here, and you can get it free and shit, and leave us a comment afterwards about the show or something ...
podcast at:
Listen Live 8-9pm 2 weeks on Saturday at:
Email the show at: [email protected]This is Harry's stupid family tree. In all honesty I can't belive i gave it air time. Somehow Whoopi Goldberg and Ji-Sung Park doesn't seem right. MORE STUFF TO COME. So leave comments. If you want. Innit.