Hello, I'm Bekk (:
I've changed alot since last year.
I used too have a stretcher.
I also used to have my Lip and Nose pierced.
Unfortunately One thing that hasn't changed since 2006, is that i still work at Faggot (Hungry) Jacks T_T
I do still love going to concerts&gigs though. :D
I'm still bad at Math (N)
Evaa May.
You are the sunshine to my day.
Nothing would be the same without your friendship.
Thank you for all the laughs, advice and kindness you've given me.
Even for the stupid little fights that seem to make us closer.
You've made me a better person.
I'm sorry for being a grumpy bitch sometimes too..;)
Friends For Eternity;
P.s it says "For Eternity" on our hands!
http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids.individual &videoid=16568777