"If my body tells me I'm hungry I'll eat, if my body tells me I'm thirsty I'll drink, if my body tells me I'm tired I'll sleep and if my body tells me I need to use the restroom I'm going to use the restroom. So if my body tells me that I yearn for the love of another I wont allow anything to keep me from pursuing that need. It wouldn't be right to think that a greater power will disown me or despise me if I do so. We are all equal beings apart of this world and no person, group, or society has the right to convince others or make them think that a greater power will disown them or despise them if they chose to experience life in whatever way they chose to live it. Listen to the natural calls your body makes and appreciate all sensations that come with it. Live life to the fullest." -Matthew D. Burke
"We're all animals, it's just that most of us are too afraid to admit it." -Matthew D. Burke
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Al Gore's Voicemail Reveals Which Candidate He Will Endorse