*I'm Molly.
*I'm seventeen.
*I'm irish
*I love smiles, they're my weakness.
*I have an obsession with pretty laughs, I wish I had a pretty laugh.
*I sing in the shower.
*My birthday is August 29th, which makes me a virgo.
*I was born in San Francisco and I love it there, it's where I want to live.
*I have an amazing boyfriend (and best friend) named Matt, who makes every day worth living.
*I love my friends, they mean the world to me, without them I would be nothing.
*yes, sometimes I still pee my pants when i laugh too hard, I can't control my bladder...I'm not too embarrassed to admit it.
*My favortie band is taking back sunday, one day Adam Lazzara(the lead singer)will love me.
*I'm a wishful thinker.
*Music is my life.
*I love disney movies, they're wonderful.
*I like to reminisce ..xperiences, it brings me joy.
*I love to read, espeically the gossip girl books.
*I like to write, but I'm not all that great at it.
*Most of all I like to laugh and have fun, and I try to live each day to the fullest.I have edited my layout at Crazyprofile.com