Persons attempting to find a motive in this narrative will be prosecuted; persons attempting to fing a moral in it will be banished; persons attempting to find a plot in it will be shot.
Per G.G., Chief of Ordinance
(witticism courtesy of Mark Twain)
End of the Last Read Book:
It would be hard to build a banana that resisted everything. But even coming close could change the world. The lab-made banana could be clean. It could be grown without pesticides. It could be grown organically. It could be grown -- because it is stronger, and because stronger means cheaper -- according to fair-trade principles. It could be the banana that finally reverses history, that finally make each bunch a guilt-free choise, even a redeeming one, as we load them into our shopping carts, as we argue over who first sliced them into ice cream, as we sign ridiculous songs about them.
That banana -- and only that banana -- could, quite possibly, be the world's most perfect fruit.
"I have all wheel drive, therefore I can drive DOWN the icy hill". Jack*sses (wondering what the heck the first person was thinking....who taught them how to drive in snow?): .. ..