Well, I'm a comedian who grew up playing hockey and studying. I'm got a mechanical engineering degree from Rennselaer Polytechnic Institute, in Troy, NY where I also played on the varsity hockey team. I then went to Cambridge University and got my Graduate Diploma in Management Studdies. I came back the states and worked in industry for about year before realizing I didn't do well in captivity and that sitting at a desk all day makes Erick a dull, dull boy.
So I decided to follow my dream to stand-up and make people laugh simultaneously. So far it's gone pretty well. I currently travel all over the US performing and clubs, colleges, and various one-nighters and fundraisers. I also act and have head lead roles in many regional commercials around Albany, NY. And now I'm a contributing comedy writer to Reader's Digest.
Go to www.erickjamescomedy.com to see my website which features more video and goodies. Shoot me an message if you have questions. Thanks.