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glitter-graphics.comI would like to meet Jon BonJovi, Tim McGraw, Faith Hill, Reba McEntire, Prince, and Linda Perry and work with them in the studio ( I don't ask for much do I)? I would like to sing harmony with Jennifer Nettles. She is such a beautiful person. The music she writes comes from the heart and will touch your soul in all the right places. If you have never seen Sugarland live in concert,you have no idea what your missing. I would like to also be in a movie with Johnny Depp, Morgan Freeman, Jack Nickleson, Robert DeNiro, and Anthony Hopkins. I did do alittle bit of acting in a few movies filmed here locally. That was a blast, still might jump in on a few more. .They need to make a movie with Johnny Depp being a vampire and let me be his victim. BITE ME BABY! (LOL)!
I would like to meet someone, who is faithful, trust worthy and want lie to you just so they can go after some other woman.
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Comments - Graphics - Layouts - Photobucket