My Blog
TROSS WEEKEND (10.12.08)
roxanne bobby and i met up with brittney on thursday at disneylandi get sooo paranoid in the disney parking structurewhereas roxanne is totally dgafsaw talking with crush, went on screaming over calif...
Posted by the tross!! on Sun, 12 Oct 2008 11:42:00 PST
SHOWS (updated forever)
2001 (incomplete)apr 25 - save ferris at UCRjun 29 - VANS WARPED TOUR: LESS THAN JAKE, RANCID, 311 at la coliseumaug 17 - yellowcard at chain reactionsep 01 - yellowcard at key club2002 (incomplete)fe...
Posted by the tross!! on Sat, 04 Oct 2008 06:05:00 PST
all of these pictures were taken by the tross in 2007.aaron, aimee, alex, allie, alyssa, andrea, andrew, andy, armando, ashley, ashton, ben, bobby, brian, brian, brian, brittney, bryan, caitlin, casey...
Posted by the tross!! on Tue, 01 Jan 2008 01:53:00 PST
these are all pictures taken by the tross in 2006.aaron, abby, aimee, alex, alex, alison, allegra, allie, allison, alyssa, amber, ambria, ami, amy , anna, annette, ashley, aubrey, aubrey, autumn, bobb...
Posted by the tross!! on Tue, 09 Jan 2007 09:27:00 PST
these are all pictures taken by the tross in 2005.aaron, aimee, allegra, allie, alyssa, amanda, ami, amy, andy, andy, angelique, anna, annie, ashley, ashely, ashely-marie, becca, becky, bobby, brenn, ...
Posted by the tross!! on Mon, 03 Jul 2006 02:25:00 PST
all of these pictures were taken by the tross in 2004.adam, aimee, allegra, allie, amanda, andy, angela, angelique, anna, anthony, austin, bobby, brian, candace, carina, cassandra, claudia, csilla, da...
Posted by the tross!! on Sun, 29 Oct 2006 06:25:00 PST